December 2014 Troop Minutes

December 9, 2014 Troop Committee Minutes

In attendance were: Shandon-dy, Jen, Tammy, Mike, CJ


None given

Quarterly dues should be paid by the next Court of Honor.  Send Shandon-dy a text message and she will get back to you with what your boy owes.


Discussion was held on dates for potato bake.  Since Easter is on April 5th this year, the dates of February 20th and March 6th were proposed for the potato dinner.  That would give us time to fundraise for the boys’ summer camp fees at Camp Minsi this year.

The VFW prefers specific requests for donations.  They seemed interested in purchasing 10-12 (3 man) tents for our Troop (est. cost $1-2000).

About 3 boys paid for Boys’ Life magazine for 2015.

Unit Commissioner’s Report

None given.  Recharter is complete!!

Training Report

None given

Advancement Report

Joe and Ernie should come 15 minutes early to the Court of Honor for Board of Review.

Equipment Report

No discussion.

Service and Good Turn

Litter pick up date was Sunday December 7th, 1:00 at the Park n Ride. Marco, Ernie and Ben participated and there were 18 bags of trash collected.

New Business

Summer Camp, 2015, at Camp Minsi!!  Online visit:  to learn more about the camp.

Please note dates for camp:

1st choice – week of July 5th

2nd choice – week of June 21st

Shandon-dy issued a $100 check for Minsi Trails Council to serve as the deposit.  We will know which week we are able to go once the deposit is received by Camp.

Deadlines to note: January 1st $100 and attached form (online).

January 15th – FIRM numbers of boys attending camp

March 1st – $100 per YOUTH attending is due.  Discount rate will apply if made by March 1st deadline ($350 full fee/$325 discount fee per camper)

June 1st – balance of all fees due

Mike Coppes volunteered to fill out paperwork to accompany the Camp Minsi deposit.  Discussed chaperones for this summer:  CJ, Mike, Steve Puzio coming for 2nd half of week.

Discussion was had about numbers of Cubs crossing over in February (3 or 4 boys by our count).  Discussion about Webelos I boys…they need to finish 5th grade or be 10 1/2 AND earn Arrow of Light.  That gives us the potential of 15 BOYS attending summer camp in 2015!!


Up-Coming Activities

Next Meeting is Court of Honor:  Tuesday, December 16th at 7 PM.  Bring aluminum cans to be recycled.

Jan/Feb – Klondike Derby at either Camp Brûlée (Jan) or Camp K (Feb).  To be determined.

Meeting adjourned.

Board of Review held for Brady.