March 2014 Troop Minutes

March 18, 2014 Troop Committee Minutes

February’s minutes were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report

Report was given by Shandon-dy Diehl


February’s Lenten Potato dinner was discussed.  The boys earned $3/ticket sold and also were paid an hourly wage (approx. $4.45/hour), money to be kept in the boys’ individual accounts.  Jen had the boys sign a thank you card for Pastor Rice and the Church members for allowing us the use of their kitchen and hall facility.

Discussion on whether to have another fundraiser before camp:  possibility of having a restaurant fundraiser such as Wendy’s.  Shandon-dy will contact a couple restaurants for info.

Unit Commissioner’s Report

None tonight.  We need to contact Pastor Rice for COR training.  Thanks April for volunteering to be the Training Leader!!

Advancement Report

Two boys are ranking up at the March Court of Honor:  Evan to 2nd Class and Donovan to 1st Class.  Many boys were receiving cards for Fire-n-Chip and Tote-n-Chip and Fingerprinting and Chess Merit Badges.  New Boy Scouts received their Scout Rank.  Jen will get a thank you card for the Williamsport Chess Club.

Discussion was held on entering badges on-line as boys need a certain amount of badges logged to move up in rank.


Equipment Report

Lyons Camping will repair stoves with turnaround in about 1 week.  Cost is usually $5-10 to check it plus parts (usually generator, which costs an extra $15).  Jen will drop off a couple camp stoves to be repaired.


Service and Good Turn

The Muncy Boro asked scouts to help pick up trash in Glade Run.  It was decided to do this in the summer during one of our meetings at Lions Park.  Next highway clean up will be Sunday, May 18th.

Scoutmaster Minutes


Old Business

Scout Camp – we added 2 adults and 1 scout to the roster, bringing the total number to 9 scouts and 5 adults going to Camp K in July.


5 Scouts attended the Boro meeting on 3/17.


Important Dates

March 25th – Court of Honor

Saturday April 5th AND 12th @ 8:30AM. – Scouting for Food, meet in the HS parking lot.

April 5th– 6th – Campout at Montour Preserve, departing immediately after scouting for food.

May 16-18 – Campout with emphasis on working towards Cooking and Fishing badges (the boys need to contact a merit badge counselor).

May 18th – Road Cleanup (after breaking camp and before heading home)

June 21st– MVH Lawn Party

June 27th and 28th – help set up tents, etc. at the Resurrection Catholic Church Festival

July 6-12 – Scout Camp!!