June 17, 2014 Troop Committee Minutes
In attendance were: April, Don, Ron, Wendy, Shandon-dy, Jen, Tammy, Denise, Mike
Treasurer’s Report
Given before arrival of secretary, will update.
April was going to go ahead and look at scheduling a fundraiser at Wendy’s and Hoss’. Discussion was had about possibly a sandwich sale and doing another baked potato sale in October or November.
Unit Commissioner’s Report
None given
Advancement Report
COR training for Pastors is set for Cub and Boy Scout Pastors at the end of August.
Tyler has earned 2nd Class and Ben has earned 1st Class. Next Court of Honor will be held on August 5th since more boys will have earned rank and badges after camp. A discussion was had on Order of the Arrow and how many of our boys could possibly be tapped out, with the boys voting at the next meeting on July 1st. Mike was going to have more info at the next meeting.
These boys attended the Saturday Fishing trip for Merit badge: Donovan, Brady, Robbie, Ernie, Josiah and Marco.
Training Report
Mike Coppes will be taking Scout Master training while at Camp K!
Equipment Report
Camp stoves will be taken to Lyons for servicing. Update: Lyons cannot service our stoves as they are not Coleman brand. Looking into ordering parts we need and cleaning them ourselves.
Service and Good Turn
Litter pickup was 5/18 with Robbie, Tyler, Ben, Joe, Donovan, Brady helping with cleanup. 8 bags of trash were collected.
Lawn Party was 6/14 with 4 boys for flag ceremony and Tyler, Brady, Ernie, Josiah, Donovan and Even helping to sell water for MVH.
Up-Coming Activities
June 29th Only – Help tear down festival tents at Church of the Resurrection 12:30-approx 2PM
July 1st Scout meeting – Anyone that was on the recent fishing trip is welcome to come to this meeting and sample the boys’ catch! Grilling at the Lyons Park!
July 6-12 – Scout Camp!! There are 9 scouts and 5 leaders from Troop 25 going. We will meet Sunday the 6th at the Muncy HS parking lot at 11:00 AM to be at Camp K for our assigned 1:15 arrival. Scouts should be wearing to camp their dress shirt AND their swim suit since the first couple of things they will do will be a group photo and then take their swim test. Scouts going to camp MUST have their health form filled out and signed by a health professional by this coming Tuesday’s meeting on July 1st. At this meeting we will need 3 copies of the completed health form from you and with each set we must have a copy of your health insurance card attached to it. Depending on what merit badge courses your boy is taking they might need money for ammo or money for merit badge kits, both of which can be bought at the camp store.
Note: Weds July 9th is family night at Camp K and OA ceremony. We are planning on having dinner at the campsite with our boys and leaders. Please comment on FB post to let us know how many parents and kids will be coming down to visit for the evening. Bring a dish to share!! Even if your child is not going to camp they are welcome to ride down for dinner and the ceremony.
July 24th (Thurs) – Pool Party. Rain date July 31st.
August 15-17th – Tentative date for kayak trip. Don will get us options on kayak routes. All going will need to pass Swim test (most will have done it while at Camp K) and an online class, “Safety Afloat”. We are looking to having Nathaniel Hulyo (Lifeguard) on trip also.
Scoutmaster Minutes
Chris expressed his thanks to all of the parents for helping out with our Troop activities. He talked about getting materials for the gateway the boys will be building at Camp K.
Old Business
Citizenship in the Community badge is to be finished by the boys on an individual basis.
New Business
Welcome to our two new scouts, Daltin and Josiah!!