July 2014 Troop Minutes

June 17, 2014 Troop Committee Minutes

In attendance were: April, Don, Ron, Wendy, Shandon-dy, Jen, Tammy, Mike, CJ

Treasurer’s Report was given by Shandon-dy.

Don requested a deposit of $100 for the kayaking trip campsite (2 miles below Liverpool).

There was a discussion about using $10/scout for the upcoming kayak trip. We are keeping the boys’ Camp K physical forms for the kayaking trip.



April secured a Wendy’s fundraiser night for our troop on Monday, August 11th.  Flyers were given to parents in attendance to hang/hand out.  The troop will earn 10% of all sales from 5-8 PM.  No special cards are needed to hand out to individuals.  We can do another Wendy’s fundraiser there in three months.

Shandon will bring more info for Hoss’s fundraiser at our August committee meeting.

CJ is going to check dates with Muncy Baptist church for a potato bake possibly in November.


Unit Commissioner’s Report

None given


Training Report

COR training for Pastors is set for Cub and Boy Scout Pastors on August 23rd at the Wesleyan Church.

Mike Coppes completed his Scoutmaster training at Camp K.


Advancement Report

The next Court of Honor will be held Tuesday, August 26th at Lions Park at 6PM.  Like last year it will be a picnic style family event with the boys receiving any badges and rank they earned.  CJ will call about making sure power is available at the pavilion.

The Scouts who were taking Trail to Eagle at camp need to finish a few items.

A discussion was had about handing out Beads and Patches earned at camp directly at the end of the event.

Mike will try to wrap up Fishing MB with the boys by August’s Court of Honor.


Equipment Report

New hats were passed out to the boys and parents who attended scout camp.  Evan and Josiah received their hat tonight.

Brief discussion on stoves.  The trailer has been cleaned out upon return from camp.  We need to replace axes and saws, and in the ax box the files need safety guards.


Service and Good Turn

Robbie and Donovan helped the Church of Resurrection festival tent tear-down.


Up-Coming Activities

Pool party originally to be held July 24th has been moved to Thursday, August 7th.  Picnic is 5:30-6:30 and swimming is 6:30-8:30.  This is being held with the Cub and Boy Scouts of Muncy.  Bring a dish to share.  If you are attending and did not have a chance to take the swim test (at Camp K) and want to go on the kayak trip, the swim test will be held at the Muncy pool that night for scouts or adults. We anticipate Nathaniel Hulyo coming to give the swim test.   Safe Swim Defense training may be obtained from the BSA Online Learning Center at www.scouting.org.


Scoutmaster Minutes



Old Business

Citizenship in the Community badge is to be finished on an individual basis.

9 Scouts attended summer camp.


New Business

Brief discussion about attending a different camp next summer and possibly planning a fall visit.  The boys will still need to do OA at Camp K on a Weds night and not at another camp.

District Fall Camporee will be held at Hyner Run October 3, 4 and 5.  We would need to sign up by Sept 19th.

Saturday, August 2nd from 9AM-12PM will be a water training at Rupert’s river lot for all going on the August Kayaking trip.

Kayaking trip planned for August 15-17th.  We will be camping at Ferry Boat campsites 2 miles below Liverpool.  Riding 12 miles up to a drop off and paddling/floating back to the campsite.  Sunday we will return to Muncy.

Meeting adjourned, followed by our Kayak Trip Planning Meeting!!