January 2015 Minutes

January 20, 2015 Troop Committee Minutes

In attendance were: Shandon-dy, Jen, Tammy, April, Mike, CJ


Report given by Shandon.  Discussion held on wrapping up popcorn sales from the fall.

We need to add Josiah and Gabe to the charter ($27/Scout).

Tammy will update the Troop’s directory with names and phone numbers.

Dues – need 1 Scout’s dues.  There was a discussion about boys paying their dues monthly vs. quarterly.  $10/month.  Our scribe will take over the monthly duties with that account and giving the boys receipts when they have paid.

Mike turned in checks from the Muncy VFW ($1100) and Legion ($1120) that are being used to buy the troop new tents!  Mike ordered tents from Campmor: 6-2 man tents and 5-3 man tents, all are 3 1/2 season tents.  From now on the boys will use troop tents only at our camping events.  Mike will be getting plastic for ground cloths.

Jen will purchase thank you cards for these groups and one for Keith Fry.  The troop will send a sympathy card to the Stroop family also.


We have had confirmation that the dates of Feb 20th and March 6th are good for us to use the Church basement/kitchen for our potato bake fundraiser.  Like last Spring, the boys can pre-sell tickets at $6/person (under 2 years eat free).  Boys earn $2 per ticket sold into their individual accounts PLUS the boys that work during the dinner will be paid by the hour with the remaining profits.  Scouts should bring a dessert to share.  We need to speak to Tom D. about the cost of the potatoes.  We need to make sure we have take-out containers and check our supply of paper products and maybe purchase 5 pound baskets instead of 3# ones.

There was a discussion of an AC Moore fundraiser.  Shannon was going to look into that.  Along with AC Moore, we will be having Wendy’s fundraisers which April had made contact about.

We need letterhead for Sam’s and Weis to see if we can get gift cards to purchase fundraising supplies.  Another suggestion was making flyers for the Church.

Unit Commissioner’s Report

None given.

Training Report

None given

Advancement Report

None given

Equipment Report

Keith Fry donated a large fire ring.  CJ and Mike reorganized the trailer by raising the shelves, leaving 2 patrol boxes and clearing the center aisle out.  CJ said we need to pump up the tires on the trailer before leaving for the winter camp out.

Service and Good Turn

We want to offer the Legion and VFW our help for any upcoming service projects they might have.

New Business

The Klondike derby is the weekend of January 30th.  They boys will be camping overnight Friday night only.  They should be at the church by 4:30 Friday and will return around 5:00 Saturday to the Church.

Camp Minsi info:  We are going to Camp M from July 5-11th.

March 1st – $100 per YOUTH attending is due. Paying by this date locks in the discounted rate ($350 full fee/$325 discount fee per camper).

June 1st – balance of all fees due

Up-Coming Activities

Discussion was held about the Troop Calendar.  We want to have a planning dinner for the scouts on Feb 10th and begin with dinner at 6:00.  We want input from the boys on what types of activities they want to do as a Troop.  We discussed going to Crystal Lake for a weekend in February and possibly renting a cabin and the boys can hike/ski to it and bring their own sleds to sled ride on there.  Things to consider for the year:  we know there is a Spring and Fall Camporee.  July is Camp Minsi.  We discussed an aquatic event possibly in May and in April going on a campout at Black Walnut Bottom.


NO scouts Feb 3rd (due to Klondike derby the previous weekend)

Feb 8th is Scout Sunday and we will be participating with our Charter Church.

Feb 10th – 6:00 dinner and planning meeting for Scouts

Feb 20th and March 6 – baked potato dinner fundraiser

March 17th, June 8th, Sept 15th, and Dec 15, 2015 are the dates for Troop 25’s fundraiser nights at Wendy’s.

Blue and Gold banquet is possibly March 28th, this needs to be confirmed yet with the Cub Scouts.

Meeting adjourned.

** as an update to the meeting:  I did hear from Jen and Pastor Rice.  They confirmed that Feb 8th is good for Scout Sunday.  The boys can arrive at 9:30 and 4 boys can usher and other boys can pass out bulletins as greeters.  I told Jen that we were hoping to have a copy of our Recharter to present to the Church at this time.  The baked potato dates were also confirmed and we are good to use the basement and kitchen then!