The Basics

Scout Expectations

  • Attends weekly meetings
  • Attends monthly campouts
  • Moves along in rank advancement
  • Participates in troop activities w/ “Scout Spirit”
  • Participates in funding the Troop and himself via fund raisers
  • Be Prepared with a Scout Uniform shirt and dark green cargo shorts
  • Have Fun!!


Parent Expectations

The Troop is “Scout led”.  As much as possible, parents and leaders try to keep our hands OFF.  We try to let the Scouts do the planning and implementation, with experienced Scouts leading the younger Scouts.  Parents are encouraged to take an active role in the Troop.


Dues are set by the Troop Committee each year prior to the beginning of the scout year.  Currently dues are $1 per week.   We usually charge $10  for the monthly campouts to cover the cost of food.
In addition to monthly dues, recharter fees are collected in early November.  Currently recharter fees are $  24.00.  Boys Life magazine is offered at the reduced rate of $12/year during recharter as well.
Special events, such as Camporees and trips where activities are offered that require per participant charges, will also be an additional cost to the individual scout. 


Scouts are encouraged to participate in fundraising efforts throughout the year.  Profits from fundraising will be added to the Scout individual account or the Troop account based on what is decided by the committee. 
Trails End popcorn –Each October, the BSA coordinates a national fundraiser with Trails End popcorn for councils, units, and scouts to raise money and earn prizes. Each scout and troop receives a portion of each product sold. Scouts receive a guide to help determine the cost of one year in scouting to use as a guide for setting their personal sales goal.


Troop Communication

The primary source of communication is announcements during Troop meeting openings.   Emails will also be sent with information, and phone calls will be made when needed.  We also have a Facebook page where we can share pictures and event information.  Please let us know if you would like to be included in this closed group.  AGAIN, Troop meetings are the primary source of information.


Trip/Activity Transportation

Troop 25 will use a variety of transportation options to insure that our Scouts are safe when being transported to and from any and all troop trips.

Parents are not covered under the BSA policy unless approved by the Committee and their personal driver information is registered with the troop.  Each personal vehicle used must have seatbelts for each passenger.  Parents driving other Scouts, even to and from meetings, accept liability on their personal insurance.


Troop Youth Structure

Patrols:   Scouts are assigned to a patrol on the basis that they will help build that patrol. Special situations are considered, but the final decision is made by the Scoutmaster.


Troop Meetings

Weekly Meetings:

The Troop meets each Tuesday evening from 7-8:30 pm throughout the school year in the basement of Muncy Baptist Church (11 West Penn Street, Muncy Pa), unless announced.   

During the summer month, when school is not in session, the Troop meets at Lions Park, (next to the Muncy Swimming Pool).

Courts of Honor are held in 4 times a year, typically in March, June, September and December. This is the ceremony in which scouts receive merit badges, advancement awards, recognition, and other awards.

Troop Committee Meetings: 

The troop committee meets the fourth Tuesday of the month. The committee consists of the chairman, secretary, treasurer, scoutmaster, assistant scoutmasters, and at-large members. Other interested parents are welcome to attend.


Troop Outings and Activities

Annual Planning
Each January, all Scouts and adults in leadership positions are invited and expected to attend a weekend meeting to review Troop policy and to plan the troop meetings, camping trips, and establish the year’s schedule.

Camping Trips, Hikes and Events
Troop 25 tries to go on a weekend camping trip once a month, with the exception of December.  Some of these weekends are Council sponsored events (Winter, Spring and Fall Camporees) and others are just Troop 25.   All members are expected to participate since this is the highlight of our Scouting Program.

Two special campouts are the Father/Son outing in November and the Family Campout in August.

Summer Camp
Troop 25 attends an approved BSA Council Camp each summer for a week.  Details are announced as soon as they become available.  Every Scout should plan to attend camp with the troop.  Summer camp is the most important program experience of the entire Scouting year.


What do the new Scouts need?

The Official Boy Scout shirt and green cargo shorts (Class A uniform) – for September through May Troop meetings, Scoutmaster Conferences, and Board of Review (BOR).  Our activity uniform (Class B) is a Troop T-shirt, and it should be worn to to our Summer meetings, campouts and any other Scout activity that does not require the full uniform.

Boy Scout Handbook – bring to all meeting and all campouts. Very important – DO NOT LOSE! Much of scout’s advancement data is in kept track of in the handbook.

Scouts should have their own sleeping bag, mess kit/water bottle, flashlight, etc.