Jul 18
This past Spring, members from the Susquehanna Order of the Arrow Woapeu Tribe attended one of our meetings to hold nominations for eligible scouts in our troop to join their lodge this summer. This is a special honor for 1st class scouts and above as they are nominated by their fellow scouts. Next Wednesday our troop is planning to travel to Camp Karoondinah for the evening Tap Out ceremony. We are planning to leave from the church at 5:15pm and should be returning by 11pm. Scouts should be in full uniform. Any eligible scouts who are tapped out would then be invited to return to camp Friday evening into Saturday for their Ordeal Ceremony.
This is a great experience for the scouts to participate in and an honor for any scout who ends up being tapped out. I highly encourage all our scouts to join us for the evening. In lieu of this event, we will not be holding our regular Tuesday meeting.
For more information on the OA, please visit: http://councils.scouting.org/Council533/OA
The trading post will be open at camp if the boys would like to grab a snack while in camp.
Thank you and I hope to see everyone Wednesday!